Wabi-Sabi Taekwondo Academy

Code of Practice

All Clubs & Associations recognised by the British Taekwon-do Association should follow the rules & code as laid down by the BTA Constitution & Standing Orders and be responsible for the behaviour of their members, the maintenance of technical & ethical standatds & respect for the Constitution.

Individual Code

Members must not misuse their knowledge of the Arts or boast of powers or ability for an improper purpose. They should endeavour, by example & conduct to provide the public with a better understanding of martial arts.

Clubs & Associations

  1. Special Care must be given to the teaching of young persons.
  2. Dangerous techniques should only be taught with discretion & proper supervision.
  3. Members should avoid irresponsible public statements.
  4. Public displays should not include over-sensational aspects, the advertisements should avoid publicity on offensive-type weapons.
  5. Emphasis should be given to skills, philosophy & when appropriate, to the sporting and competitive elements.
  6. Training should not include overbearing discipline or excessive force.
  7. All fees should be reasonable, this especially applies to class tuition.
  8. There must be no overcrowding in classes & teachers must ensure adequate supervision.
  9. There should be generation of mutual respect, both within the Association & with other official bodies for Martial Arts discipline.
  10. Relevant insurance must be in place.
  11. Clubs should adhere to a recognised child protection policy.
  12. A registered first aider should be present at all sessions.

Approved Instructors

All instructors approved by the British Taekwon-do Association have proved their skills to the British Taekwon-do Association Executive and will have completed a Disclosures & Barring Check. They run classes in accordance with the association guidelines, for the benefit of the students.

Kup Gradings

There should be a minimum of 3 months between Kup gradings. Kup gradings are carried out by the British Taekwon-do Association approved instructors.

Dan Gradings

All Dan gradings must be approved by the British Taekwon-do Association Executive and unless prior authorisation is approved Dan gradings will be carried out by the British Taekwon-do Association Grading Panel.
Black Belts / Black Belt Candiates must be able to show skills including:

  • Basic Techniques
  • Poomsae appropriate to level
  • Sparring
  • Destruction

Technical Seminars

To increase their knowledge of the art, students are expected to attend a minimum of two seminars between Dan grades. Seminars conducted by the British Taekwon-do Association approved instructors.


Matters of dispute should be referred to the British Taekwon-do Association Executive. 

These Rules Have Been Agreed to By:

Club Name: The Wabi-Sabi Academy
Chief Instructor: Rozalind Gadd
Dated: 12 / 04 / 2012
Signed: Rozalind Gadd